We have returned from Philly, relativly unscathed. We got back around noon today. I had an absolute blast. Met some really interesting people, made new friends, and now I am ready to get back into things again. Found some new tools and will hit "studio" as soon as I figure it all out. If you want to read about all the fun of the concert stop by TEFOSAV's message board and look for information on Vent east 02. Well i was up for 45 hours this weekend, and the only sleep I got was on the way home this morning so I think I am going to go watch a little Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, and then pass out.
seen this way @ 9:59 PM EST by Sean
This has to be one of the most horrible travesties on the American Justice system I have ever read. These individuals have been made scapegoats for a town of bumbling police officers who have no clue how to do their job. The only true justice, other than setting the West Memphis Three free, would be to disbar the judge who precided over this case and take away the badges of the police that contaminated the crime scene for their negligence in this case. Man, I haven't seen this kind of shoddy police work since Mark "Das Fuhrer" Fuhrman. Free the West Memphis Three!!!
seen this way @ 1:01 PM EST by Sean
Added links to West Memphis Three, Greg's, and IMDB site. On my way to Philly tonight with the boys, should be loads of fun.
seen this way @ 12:27 PM EST by Sean
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Sometimes when you catch a scent in the air it reminds you of something. And usually this something triggers an emotion or makes you feel a certian way. Well, for some reason I'm very depressed this week. As in I feel like I'm slipping back into depression. But I have something that I can think about to bring me out. I'm in love. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, it's like any time I feel like something is really fucked up or I just need to relax there she is in my mind. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Everytime I try to think of anything there she is, just pops into my mind. That's how I know that it's love. Now trust me, I don't want rush into anything and fuck it up or what not, but it's like the void that was in me is starting to fill up a little. Plus, I don't know how she feels about me, but I think there is something between us, at least I hope there is. And that's it, the scent, every now and then I get a breeze of her scent and it makes me feel like a million bucks. Well, we'll see what happens.
seen this way @ 4:38 PM EST by Sean