so here's an odd obsession with tracking things... Track Your Bills@where's george dot com. And silly me that link is to a bill I received, and entered. Maybe I'll send a few through the system, go to the strip club and see who enters them, he he.. or maybe not. I entered a few a long time ago, I even think I made a log-in, but i can't remember it. Oh well, it does seem kinda strange. Oh and i have to remind everyone about our dear misguided president, he spoke again today. More on this when i have a chance to sit down, collect my thoughts on a few things and post something good. Signing off from the bowels of the book depository,
well here it is Directions to the new store downtown from Sinclair. And with the opening happening in 2 weeks there's a lot that needs done. but it should do well especially only being .6 miles form Sinclair. Plus the competition is across the street, an easy way to knock them out.
seen this way @ 8:28 PM EST by Sean
Monday, May 16, 2005
hhmmm... Fair Enough: The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: